The latest proposal by the Solana team looks to make a fundamental change to the network in efforts to enhance security, improve processing speed, and boost scalability.
The proposal looks to eliminate the “state growth problem“, whereby the Solana network is required to verify all user accounts on a regular basis. This results in a lot of unnecessary processing, which this proposal – via new hashing methods – looks to address.
The new proposal will look to roll out later in 2025.

What is in the new proposal?
The new Solana proposal, amongst other changes, introduces a new hash into Solana network processing.
Titled the Accounts Lattice Hash, this will allow each block on Solana to contain a hash of all user accounts – rather than only freshly-made accounts. The introduction of the Accounts Lattice Hash will negate the need for the existing Epoch Accounts Hash, which will be removed.
In simple terms, this changes how Solana tracks and verifies user accounts in a way that’s far more efficient, significantly boosting the scalability of the Solana network.
How will this proposal be introduced?
Network upgrades on Solana go through a multi-step formal improvement process.
In short, validators – those than run hardware nodes on the Solana network – are invited to vote on the proposal, and whether or not they would like to see it introduced. As this proposal appears on the surface to be a flat upgrade to Solana, it is unlikely the proposal will fail to obtain the votes required.
Once a proposal vote has been passed, the proposal is activated network-wide, rolling out across all validators and making the required changes to the Solana network.
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