Art-focused NFT platform Foundation have highlighted the work of colour-focused photographer Maciek Jasik, and his Bypassing the Rational NFT collection.
This 15-piece collection revolves around a series of photographs taken between 2010 and 2012 that look to “push the boundaries of the human figure and its possible shapes and movements in a parallel world of color fields and distorted elements.”
As with all of Jasik’s work, colour is at the heart of the images, with all effects done on-camera.

Who is Maciek Jasik?
Maciek Jasik is a Poland-born photographer whose work focuses on, in his words, “critiquing Western society’s relationship with Nature and exploring ideas of identity, representation and the self while employing color and distortion to reimagine accepted norms.”
Now based in Santa Fe, his work has featured in exhibitions around the world since 2008, with his commercial clients including the likes of The Wall Street Journal, VICE, GQ and many others.
Jasik turned his hand to NFTs in December 2021, creating his only NFT collection to date, Bypassing the Rational. As of writing, 11 pieces of the 15-piece collection have been picked up, with the remaining 4 works priced at 0.75 ETH each.

How have Foundation got involved?
Foundation is the platform which Jasik chose to host his debut NFT collection.
On November 7, 2024, they chose to highlight one of the remaining pieces from the collection – titled Kori – to their community on X, with the post quickly picking up a healthy number of likes, retweets and comments.
Jasik is largely absent from the NFT community today, with his last post on X being a retweet from May 2023 – though he remains more active away from the blockchain space, having last posted to Instagram in February 2024.

Bullish on web3. Competitive soul.